Johannes Gutenberg University (JGU) integrates two teams. The group of M. Kläui applies new methods to study and manipulate spin transport in nanostructures and uses these for microelectronic devices. In OBELIX, Kläui’s group will bring its expertise in materials growth and characterization, non-local spin transport and (spin-)orbit torque characterization. Mokrousov’s theory group explores a wide range of spin-orbitronics effects from microscopic theory with a particular emphasis on ab-initio description. In OBELIX, Mokrousov’s group will bring its pioneering expertise in the field of orbitronics and will be involved in WP1 and WP2 by realizing realistic modelling of orbital torque and orbital pumping in heterostructures using ab initio approaches. Kläui will co-lead WP1, Orbital engineering of spin-to-charge conversion, with MLU, and co-lead WP4 with AN. Mokrousov will co-lead WP2 with CNRS.
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